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Question: Why do blokes get morning glories?

Answer: "MEN get two types of erections - a sexual erection, with a partner or by yourself, and an involuntary, non-sexual sleeping erection... a morning glory," says Dr Chris McMahon, physician at the australian Centre for Sexual Health, in Sydney
"They start in infancy - I know an ultrasonographer who has seen a male foetus with an erection - and continue until physical disease prevents them.
"A male in his 20's, during a seven-or eight hours sleep, will have four or five erections lasting 25-30 minutes, with the best one being the last one.
"They occur during a phase of deep sleep known as REM, or rapid-eye-movement, and are not linked with erotic dreams.
"When we don't get erections, the penis is almost running on empty as far as oxygen is concerned. During an erection, blood flows in, which helps to auto-oxygenate the penis, and the tissues are revitalised.
"If there is no morning erection, that's a concern, because it shows the penis is being starved of oxygen.
"There is a test we do to see if a patient has night-time impotence and that helps determine if the prblem is psychological or physical.
"There is evidence to suggest women get clitoral erections in much the same way... but the female sexual processes are much more complicated. With men, it's pretty much the three E's - erection, ejaculation, exhaustion."