Here are some things that i've found and just scanned them!

Tatiana Grigorieva

Perving Guide
I've got 2 pics of tatiana doing what she does best. And another 5 pictures of what she does even better. 1-2-3-4-5. My brother scanned this out of a Waves mag. It is a basic guide on how to perve and get away with it while your chick is around.

My Head

Cheese Wall
Not many people can prove that they have a brain, but i can. Heres a pic of my skull and my brain! The cheese wall started when we were in Yr7 i think. Every recess or lunch Greg would stick his cheese slices onto the wall.

Fastest Street Legal Car

Wheelchair cheat
I scanned this out of a Ralph mag. It costs a shitload ($3 million) but its the fastest car your allowed on the road. Specs. I think this was in the newspaper during the Olympics. Its pretty lame but if your bored then check it out.

Calendar Chicks

They were giving away free Jim Beam calendars and on the back it had these chicks. I scanned it just for the fun of it. This picture was scanned out of a magazine called "Fisherman & Boatowner". I've got another boat pic here. But the best is here.

Porsche 911

Anna Kournikova
Yet another scan out of Ralph. I think this was scanned with our new scanner, they thrashed these cars across the country. I was flicking through Ralph and i couldn't stop laughing at this one. Only for the guys, check it out!

Yr10 School Photos

The Chick On The Left
They're 2 different pictures. They are quite large so ya might wanna use getright or something to download them. A-L, L-Z. You are all probably druling over the chick underneath my menu. Here she is without all the cool effects.

Hot and Cold WAR

Some Inspiration
Well we were in class with our favourite history teacher and she wanted us to make a poster, so we did. It just didn't turn out to be what she was after. This guy came out to our school and had a talk with us about life and doing stupid things can wreck your life. He covered a few topics and left us with this sheet.